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First precast segment launched on Delhi –Ghaziabad- Meerut RRTS corridor

NCRTC today launched the first precast segment on Delhi –Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor between P382 – P383 between Guldhar and Duhai

NCRTC today launched the first precast segment on Delhi –Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor between P382 – P383 between Guldhar and Duhai. Launching Girder which is also known as launching gantry is assembled on piers (pillars) through various stages on temporary supports (which are later on removed before segment lifting). The various segments lifted are joined together to make a viaduct. There will be 12 segments in the first span of 34 meters.

This is a significant step towards the timely completion of this commuter centric project. Superstructures are visible on the site. Such progress, in these unprecedented times, has become possible only due to meticulous planning & efficient execution by Team NCRTC, and all-round positive support & facilitation provided by Governments and various stakeholders.

NCRTC is taking all the safety measures to ensure that the launching work does not affect the public or the moving traffic. The area below is duly gated and barricaded, for the movement of workers to the launching girder man lifts and temporary staircases are being used.

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