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Inspection by MD, Sh Vinay Kumar Singh

Shri Vinay Kumar Singh, MD, NCRTC, today inspected on-going works on the priority section of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor along

Shri Vinay Kumar Singh, MD, NCRTC, today inspected on-going works on the priority section of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor along with the Directors and other senior officers of NCRTC. While walking along the alignment between Sahibabad to Duhai Depot Mr. Singh reviewed the critical locations such as station sites at Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, Guldhar and Duhai and Special Spans. He interacted with contractors/engineers and emphasized to be focused on quality and safety protocols while ensuring the progress of the works to meet the deadline.

He expressed his satisfaction that activities such as fixing of parapet, bearings, construction of median on the road etc. have started. He emphasized that we should decrease the length of barricades as soon as finishing activities in any stretch are getting completed. Field engineers assured that very soon they will be able to restore the full road width in various stretches of the priority section.

MD appreciated the efforts of field engineers in ensuring safety protocols for the road traffic, deployment of traffic marshals, mannequins, signages, reflective tapes, impact vehicles etc. while executing the works. He took keen interest in overviewing the steps being taken to contain the spread of dust during construction.

As the priority section of the corridor is targeted to be commissioned by 2023, Mr. Singh appreciated the field team for the progress achieved so far. He advised them to work in cohesion with the stakeholders while taking utmost care of community requirements.

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