Rolling EoI for Feeder Services for Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor


NCRTC conducts first online per-bid meeting

In a first of its kind effort by NCRTC, digitally-enabled global pre-bid meetings via video conferencing for two critical packages were conducted on 14th April 2020. This received excellent response from the industry, other than Indian entities, prospective bidders from across the globe (i.e. from Japan, South Korea, China, Germany Turkey etc) also actively participated in it. It won’t be surprising if the new avenues of collaboration and cooperation opened up by technology may soon become industry norms.

NCRTC is leveraging technology to minimize the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on the RRTS project. Utilising the lockdown period through various innovative initiatives, NCRTC has been carrying out project-related activities while ‘Working from Home’.

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