Construction of Entry/Exit including FOB & PEB across Ring Road, connection of DMRC Entry/Exit from FOB leading to Nizamuddin Railway Station, Restoration of High-Pressure Water Pipeline to original location near Gurudwara, Provision of Louvers at Sarai Kale Khan Station & other Miscellaneous enabling works from Sarai Kale Khan Station to Kondli Bridge including Stabling line in Jangpura
Mode of Tender Enquiry
Open E-bid
Date of Publication of NIT
Type of Bidding (Single/Two Bid System)
Single Stage Two Packet System
Nos. of tenders recd.
08 no
Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation
07 1. M/s JAI DURGE CONSTRUCTION 2. M/s Pawan Kumar 3. M/s PIONEER FABRICATORS (P) LTD. 4. M/s CONSTRUCTIVE SUKHMANI (JV) 5. M/s Chaudhary Construction Company Private Limited 6. M/s K.P.-Yogi JV 7. M/s G & G JVG - JV
Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation