Licensing of Commercial Spaces at Sahibabad, Guldhar and Duhai Stations of Delhi-Meerut RRTS Corridor.
Mode of Tender Enquiry
Open E-bid
Date of Publication of NIT
Type of Bidding (Single/Two Bid System)
Single Stage Two Packet System (Revenue Earning)
Nos. of tenders recd.
Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation
05- 1. M/s Singlas Retail Private Limited 2. M/s Manish Taxi Services 3. M/s Sky International 4. M/s HDFC Bank Ltd. 5. M/s Gravity Infra Promoters Pvt Ltd.
Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation
02- 1. M/s ANSA Retail Pvt. Ltd. 2. M/s Student Box and Services Private Limited
Last Date of receipt of tender
Awarded Value of Contract(In equivalent INR)
M/s Manish Taxi Services for Pocket-A at Guldhar RRTS Station for INR 525.00 per sqm/ per month