Shri Vinay Kumar Singh, the founding Managing Director of NCRTC, began his journey as the company’s first employee on 8th July 2016. Under his stewardship, the first Namo Bharat corridor of the country, Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut, was sanctioned in March 2019 at a cost of ₹ 30,274 crore. Guided by his motto of ‘Gati se Pragati’, within 4 years of the commencement of construction, a 17-km Priority Section of this corridor was completed and the Namo Bharat services were inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on the 20th of October 2023. For the first time, the country witnessed commuter travel in trains with a design speed of 180 Kmph. Subsequently, another 17 km section was completed and inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 6th March 2024.
With the objective of timely completion of the project, Shri Singh prioritized risk identification, strategic planning, and a commuter-centric approach, while implementing the project. He gave unprecedented focus to providing extensive multimodal integration at Namo Bharat stations with other modes of public transit and envisaged transformational interoperability among the 3 prioritized Namo Bharat corridors. With a long-term vision of financial sustainability, Mr. Singh took notable initiatives for the implementation of Transit-Oriented Development and Value Capture Financing along the Namo Bharat corridors. His vision to bring in private sector participation in the sector brought a paradigm shift with a 12-year comprehensive O&M contract and a 15-year supply cum maintenance contract for Rolling Stock awarded to the private sector.
Driven by Hon’ble PM’s vision of creating next-gen infrastructure, he led adoption of future looking technologies for the Namo Bharat. In a global first, NCRTC installed ETCS level 2 signalling on LTE communication backbone integrated with Platform Screen Dors on the Delhi-Meerut Namo Bharat corridor. Another successful implementation led by him, first-of-its-kind in the country, was that of high-quality and high-precision manufacturing of the precast slabs in a factory setup for the ballastless track system capable of supporting the design speed of 180 Kmph.
Under his leadership, in a short span NCRTC flourished into an agile organization comprising a team of competent officers who embraced advanced technology and innovative systems in project implementation. His efforts introduced several firsts in the country and set global benchmarks, establishing NCRTC as a model of modern transit development. His other noteworthy initiatives include the engagement of women train operators and station controllers, provision of carrying stretchers/wheelchairs in the train and stations, use of renewables for improving the energy mix required for the system.
Date : Nov 2020
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