Rolling EoI for Empanelment of Arbitrators



Tender No.


Name of work

Licensing of Commercial Spaces at Sahibabad, Guldhar and Duhai Stations of Delhi-Meerut RRTS Corridor.

Mode of Tender Enquiry

Open E-bid

Date of Publication of NIT


Type of Bidding (Single/Two Bid System)

Single Stage Two Packet System (Revenue Earning)

Nos. of tenders recd.


Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation

07- (i) M/s Shanti Nath Traders (ii) M/s Nex Enterprises (iii) M/s Nehtaur Filling Station (iv) M/s Swastik Motors (v) M/s Goyal Flour Mills (vi) M/s Ansa Retail Pvt Ltd (vii) M/s Waves Enterprises

Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation

1 - M/s Aarav Enterprises

Last Date of receipt of tender


Awarded Value of Contract(In equivalent INR)

Modinagar South station awarded to M/s Goyal Flour Mills for INR 1511/- per sqm/ per month plus GST

Hyperlink of Letter of Award (LOA)/Work Order

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